Maybe not! If that is the case, you better read this article to get the basics of thestructured settlement investment. If you think, the basic nature of the settlements is that they are investments in the future, because they are paid during a certain time in the future.
1. The Structured Settlement Investment Has Rules.
Because originally the settlement has been given as a compensation of the injury, and most often as a result of the court judgment, so the court acceptance for the deals are needed. The court will check the seller`s financial needs, when the structured settlement investment is as a petition. The court will also check the reputation of the buyer. The deal cannot include any hidden expenses.
2. The Seller Wants The Money Now.
It can happen that after the original settlement the financial situation of the receiver has changed and he needs cash money urgently. In this case the court will handle his or her situation again and may allow the sale of the settlement.
3. You Cannot Wait.
The court has decided, that you will get periodic payments, but before the schedule starts to roll, you have to wait months, maybe years. This can be a big problem and leads you to think to sell the settlement program. As a seller it is the settlement investment, which must be profitable, before it becomes reasonable.
4. How Much Cash Can You Get? The money to-day is more valuable, than the money to-morrow. This general fact means, that the investor, who takes the settlement investment into consideration tries to offer as low sum as possible to make big profit. What you need to do is to get several quotes from around five investors to make them to compete against each other.
5. The Investor Benefits.
The investor must also be careful. The first thing is to check, whether the seller is financially sound company, because there are also total scams on the market. The other things are the forecast of the future interest rates and the development of the economy. The good thing is, maybe the best part of the profit, that the settlements come as agreed and are tax-free.