Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Find Out Who Will Buy Structured Settlements


If you wish to buy structured settlements, you should first understand what it means and how it works. Structured settlements are another way of receiving cash from another party. Instead of receiving one-time lump sum money, you would receive several payments that are structured.
The schedule and amount of settlements receive shall be decided by the one who will receives them. For example, the settlements may be paid in annual installments for a number of years until it becomes fully paid. Or it may be in periodic lump sums every few years.
Structured settlements were first introduce and used in Canada and the United States in the 1970s as an alternative to lump sum settlements, especially those from injury lawsuits. Today, they are practiced and part of the statutory tort of law in Australia, England, the United States, and Canada.
Many institutions and individuals prefer to use structured settlements for a quite number of reasons. For one thing, some plaintiffs may have a reduced tax obligations arising from the settlement. In some cases, the settlement may be tax free. Of course, it has to be properly setup.
A structure settlement can protect the plaintiff from having the settlement funds dissolved, especially, when the funds are important to pay for future care.
At times, a structured settlement can protect a plaintiff from himself, especially, if he has no control over money or has a relative who also wants to have a share of the fortune. Anything can happen as even a great amount of money can vanish into thin air at anytime.
On the part of the individuals who will receive the structured settlements, they can be assured of an income for a number of years. If the recipient is a minor, the settlements would be even more beneficial, as he can have funds to sustain his or her youth days. The settlement can be used to finance his or her education and to have savings after that.
Before the structured settlements are settled, the defendant could be an organization or company or a private individual who would buy an annuity from an insurance company. The plaintiff will then decide about the structures, such as the amount and the times between settlements.
Now, since the use of a structured settlement is allowed by law, plaintiffs cannot oblige the defendant to pay them in lump sum for it is at the defendant’s discretion. What you can do if you prefer to have a huge amount of money-maybe you plan to use the lump sum settlement in buying a new car or house-is to sell your settlement.
There are many companies and private individuals that buy structured settlements from people such as you. These companies normally have a contact with someone at the court so they would know who receives a settlement. They will then approach that person and offer to buy the settlement.
You may be attracted to the idea of having a one-time huge amount of money, however, you have to remember that these companies that buy structured settlements do it as a business. This means that a certain portion of the total amount of settlement will be deducted. It can be from 15% to 40%.

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5 Reasons To Buy Structured Settlements If You Are A Personal Injury Victim


Well if you will buy structured settlements you will get special benefits, which only the regular periodic payments can offer. Many people buy structured settlements for the tax free reason. That is smart, because this financial product offers a high ROI and if you will get the income tax free, it can beat most of the other financial instruments.
Additionally you will get a carefree financial future, because the payments come for sure during the agreed period. If a person is disabled the settlements offer a chance to get the Medicaid eligibility, if planned correctly. An owner cannot loan against the settlements, which gives a needed future protection.
1. You Can Buy Structured Settlements Because Of Their Tax Free Feature.
The periodic income from the settlement plan is tax free to the owner. The tax free feature is the main argument of the companies, who sell these products. It is true, that together with the high ROI the tax free advantage is a real benefit and the reason to buy structured settlements.
However you must be careful, when you buy structured settlement and you think the tax free advantage. The personal injury payments are usually free from the Federal taxes, but the settlements from the lost wages are subject to taxation.
2. The Unsophisticated Plaintiffs. These people are not good at handling their finances. They can become the targets of all kind of good friends and relatives, who try to get their money for many good purposes. But when this kind of a person buys structured settlements he will get the protection, because it is impossible to use the settlement as a guarantee.
3. The Minor Children And The Incompetents.
These special groups, or their guardians, can buy structured settlements to get a regular and secure monthly income. These people are, like the unsophisticated plaintiffs, unable to plan their finances and if they would get the lump amount of money, the danger is, that they would spend the money. The periodic payment plan guarantees, that the education and other necessary costs will be paid.
4. The Future Medical Care.
Most personal injury plaintiffs, who will buy structured settlements, plan to pay for the medical care. Seriously injured people can get the best protection in most cases from the Needs Trust, because this arrangement guarantees the eligibility to the Medicaid program. Usually the estate planning attorneys recommend to build a trust, because it gives the possibility to get the settlement income and the Medicaid.
5. The Benefits To The Minor Child.
The selling companies use the calculators to build up a plan to meet the financial needs of a minor child. However, in some cases and in some times, the Trust arrangement can bring better results. The structured settlements are complicated and long term commitments. It is wise, or a must, to consult with your attorney, tax advisor and financial planners before doing any decision.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. When you buy structured settlements, you get the income tax free. Contact the experts for further guidance, before you buy structured settlement. It is a long term commitment. Visit: structured settlement quote

Article from articlesbase.com

By tamanbelajar with

Buy Structured Settlements, If You Are A Personal Injury Victim


Actually, when you buy structure settlements, you will get three main benefits. Maybe the biggest one is the tax benefit, but by buying the structured settlements you will protect your money in the future, because the sums are paid monthly. The third benefit is that when you buy structured settlements you have better chances, together with other estate planning, to get Medicaid.
1. Buy Structured Settlements, Because Of Their Tax Benefits.
The tax benefits are not of course your only reason to buy structured settlements, but it is a real benefit, which the lump sum cannot offer. If you will get structured settlements, you will avoid the federal taxes. Note, that the settlements for the lost wages are subject to the taxatíon.
2. You Can Avoid The Waste Of Funds.
Those companies, which sell settlements argue, that they can compensate the plaintiff for the injuries, medical care and the future lost wages. But very often the settlements can protect minors, incompetent or unsophisticated persons The fact is, that not all people are able to manage their assets or to plan the future usage of their money.
For them the settlements are a gift from heaven, because they will get an agreed sum every month, and they cannot take loan against the program. If the personal injury victim is a minor and his or her parents cannot make the financial plans, it is wise to buy settlements to protect the future economic safety.
3. The Future Medical Care.
Many personal injury victims will buy settlements to guarantee the funds for the future medical care. In some cases better benefits can be got from a special needs trust. The idea of the special needs trust is, that a plaintiff can get the settlement benefits without disqualification from the Medicaid. You better consult with the estate planning attorney or disability needs planner.
4. The Plaintiff`s Benefits.
The main thing is of course the plaintiff´s financial needs, but the plaintiff makes it wise, if he will go through all things, which come with the settlement decision. The main financial benefit is the tax benefit. But the settlements are also good tools to avoid waste, fraud and mismanagement of the funds. Check also whether the special needs trust would be the best option.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. If you are a personal injury victim and ponder to buy structured settlements, you beeter plan it as a structured settlement investment. Visit:purchase structured settlements

Article from articlesbase.com

By tamanbelajar with

Buy Structured Settlement And Get These Benefits


So the structured settlement is a future payment plan, which offers a secure and regular payments according to the court decision. These instruments have an after market, i.e. you can buy structured settlement as an investment and you can sell them too.
1. The Long Term Security, No Surprises.
To the recipient, who will buy structured settlement it will be a long term income source, which will not bring any surprises. The payments will come month after month during the running time of the plan.
The only risk is, that the company, which has to do the payments will become bankrupt. The profit depends a lot on the time, when you will buy structured settlement. Because the settlements are investment instruments like any other, the general economic situation will affect greatly on the prices. If you can buy it as bargain, it will be a good deal.
2. How The Payments Are Calculated?
As said, the structured settlements are based on the court decision. If the reason is to compensate some damage, which somebody has caused to another one, the target is to pay for the future injury care, for instance. The payer is usually an insurance company.
3. The Structured Settlements Are Tax-Free.
If the buying price is one important element, another one is the fact, that the settlements are totally tax free. In the case, that the settlements form the only income for some person, this person is totally a tax free person.
4. The Protection Of Your Financial Security.
The structured settlements protect the recipient from his or her own financial bad behaviour. It is impossible to use the future settlements and it is impossible to use them as guarantees for the bank loan. The sell of the plan needs the court allowance.
5. Be Aware Of The High Costs.
When you plan to buy structured settlements, it is wise to ask many offers to guarantee, that you will get the bargain price from a reputable and long term operator. If you are not awake, the costs and the commissions can become too high.
The structured settlement offers a tax free, guaranteed and long term investment, which will have a regular cash flow. When you get it with a bargain price, i.e. you buy it during the recession, the profit is nice. It is not the highest in the market, but it comes for sure, which is already a benefit.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. When you buy structured settlement remember to ask astructured settlement quote from about ten companies. Visit: structured settlements

Article from articlesbase.com

By tamanbelajar with

Is The Time Right To Buy Structured Settlement


And what about the steady streams of profits. Or what about the regular payments? When you will buy structured settlement, you will enjoy both about the high ROI and a secure periodic payments over a long period of time. This makes your future economic planning easy and will decrease the stress.
1. Buy Structured Settlement And Avoid The Unexpected Surprises.
The Fed boss Bernanke forecasts, that the near future in the economy will be rocky and the national product increase has not a solid ground. Having been said this, the need and timing to buy structured settlement is ideal. They can offer a steady and regular stream of periodic incomes, which the recipient can forecast exactly.
2. Try To Buy Structured Settlement At Discount.
Like in all retailing, the route to profits goes in the way, that you can buy cheap and to sell with the higher price. The same rule is working with the structured settlements. The ideal timing would be, that you are able to buy at discount during the recession from a financially solid company and when the economy will stabilize, the settlement agreement is a splendid deal.
3. What Can Go Wrong?
The answer is simple. If you use a consultant, who is not a professional, you buy the agreement from a scam company and your timing is wrong, then you just can lose the whole money invested. The most important step is to do the process slowly and to use a top expert as an advisor. He or she can then guide you through the next steps successfully.
4. It Is Easy To Calculate The Income.
When the structured settlements are based on the court decision or on some other legal agreement, which makes it sure, that the paying party will pay, it is easy to calculate, what is the present value of the agreement.
On the top of that you can take into account the economic situation, i.e. during the recession the prices are down and during the high season the prices are up. But you just cannot fail, if the paying company is a legal venture.
5. The Seller Research.
In all cases, and even if you use a consultant, the responsibility about the results is yours. The worst thing, which can happen is, that you buy structured settlement from a scam company and will lose your money. This unhappy event you can avoid by making a decent company research.
It is not wise to handle this process without experts. The scam companies are very smart to utilize the newbie buyers and the possibility to lose the money is honestly big. But with the aid from an expert, the structured settlements can offer a steady, tax free stream of incomes and a high ROI.
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The structured settlement annuity as a structured settlement investment can offer a steady income stream and a high ROI. Visit: buy structured settlement

Article from articlesbase.com

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