Mesothelioma is a life threatening disease. This fact has been established over the years. It has also been brought into focus that asbestos fibers and dust that pass into your body while the process of respiration is the main cause of Mesothelioma cancer. Yet there are many shadowy sides related to Mesothelioma to be revealed out and researches are being conducted worldwide so that diagnosis of Mesothelioma can be done at an early stage and the disease can be completely cured.
There was just one officially recorded case of Mesothelioma cancer in the year 1898. Today the figure has reached up to 10,000 Mesothelioma patients in a year. The adversity of the situation can be judged clearly from this figure. It won’t be less than 1.3 million cases of Mesothelioma in the U.S. as the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine sated in the year 2004.
After looking at all these don’t you feel that something should be done apart from just taking legal steps and solving the problem in terms of compensation? You are absolutely correct and that is why funding is being raised to promote more and more researches on Mesothelioma disease.
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation have clearly stated in its mission that what are the steps it is going to take to eradicate this deadly and incurable disease from the whole world. The members of this Foundation are working day and night to make this world free from Mesothelioma and its allied kind of diseases.
The mission statement made by the Foundation directly as stated:
“Funding the highest quality and most promising research projects from around the world through our rigorous peer-reviewed process; helping patients connect with national meso experts and obtain the most up-to-date information on treatment options; and advocating in Washington D.C. for federal mesothelioma research funding to stop this national tragedy.”
Hope is the last ray of life. If we go by this universal truth there is still hope that a day will come when Mesothelioma will be the name of a disease just in the Medical Science text books. Doctors will be given a historical account about this disease but in the real physical world they won’t have to treat any such patient suffering from this type of cancer.
Let’s pray for the noble cause and be the part of the noble mission being carried out by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.