Monday, January 3, 2011

How effective is dental whitening?


How effective is dental whitening?

Whitening your teeth will definitely make your smile attractive. Now a lot of people prefer to do dental whitening. This is very effective method to brighten your smile which is performed by a dentist.
This process will remove the stains from your teeth. It is a bleaching method which mainly used carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. This is the major component of all the dental bleaching methods.
Another whitening process which is used by a large variety of people is laser whiting. It will not use the bleaching products but it employs laser rays to remove the stains. This is much more effective than the usual dental whitening techniques. But the expense will be a bit higher.
Due to staining in the teeth the natural color of the teeth diminishes. Smoking is the major reason for yellow teeth. While smoking the nicotine tar will get deposited in the teeth which will be very difficult to remove. This is where you need to apply the bleaching agents to remove the stains.
Always with the help of a dentist you need to perform the dental whitening. The extent of the process will vary from person to person. The individual having more stain will have extensive bleaching and laser treatment to get white teeth. Proper care should be given for your teeth.
There are also other herbal products that will provide brightness to your teeth. They are very handy and easy to use. There are teeth whitening strips, gels and powders. Check the quality of the product before you are applying it on to your teeth.

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